WCACP Application Form

Free Online Application Process

No Obligation - Less than 10 minutes to complete
Secure SSL Connection
Initial Screening Questions
Please select an option.
Please select an option.
Please select your bachelor's degree status.
Teaching Interests
Please select your preferred grade level.
Please select your primary certification area.
Personal Information
Please provide your first name.
Please provide your last name.
Please provide your street address.
Please provide your city.
Please provide your state.
Please provide a valid zip code.
Contact Information
Please provide a valid email address.
Please choose a password.
Please provide a valid phone number in the format XXX-XXX-XXXX.
TEA Required Information
Please select your gender.
Please select your ethnicity.
/ /
Format: MM/DD/YYYY
Please provide a valid date of birth.
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Please provide a valid Social Security Number.
Please specify your citizenship status.
Educational Background
Please provide your bachelor's degree institution.
Format: MM/DD/YYYY
Please provide your graduation date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
(i.e., Computer Science)
Please provide your college major.
Previous Colleges Attended
Post Graduate Work
Teaching Experience (if any)
Please select your employment status.
Please select an option.
Please select an option.
Please select an option.
Please select an option.
Agreement and Signature

I have answered all questions contained in this application truthfully to the best of my knowledge. By entering your name you agree that you have read and understand the Web-Centric Alternative Certification Program Guidelines and it will act as a legal electronic signature.

Please provide your signature.
Please provide a valid date in MM/DD/YYYY format.