How to become a certified elementary school teacher in Texas

Are you passionate about shaping young minds and making a difference in the lives of children? If so, becoming a certified elementary school teacher in Texas could be the perfect career path for you! In this blog post, we will guide you through the requirements, steps, and opportunities involved in pursuing your dream of teaching in an elementary school setting. Let’s dive into how to turn your passion for education into a rewarding profession as a certified elementary school teacher in the Lone Star State!

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Requirements for teacher certification in Texas

To become a certified elementary school teacher in Texas, you must meet specific requirements set by the state’s Board for Educator Certification (SBEC). The primary requirement is obtaining a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Additionally, completing an approved educator preparation program like WCACP is essential. Click Here to Apply for free.

You will also need to pass the appropriate teacher certification exams, such as the Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES) and the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) exam. These tests evaluate your knowledge of teaching methods and subject areas.

Background checks are mandatory for all prospective teachers in Texas to ensure they meet legal and ethical standards. This includes fingerprinting and criminal history reviews. Demonstrating good moral character is vital in gaining certification as an elementary school teacher.

Meeting these requirements shows your commitment to excellence in education and prepares you for a fulfilling career shaping young minds in Texas classrooms.

Steps to becoming a certified elementary school teacher

Are you passionate about shaping young minds and making a difference in the lives of children? If so, becoming a certified elementary school teacher in Texas might be the perfect career path for you. Here are the steps to kickstart your journey towards becoming an educator:

Ensure you meet the basic requirements set by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for teacher certification. This includes holding at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.

Next, choose between specializing in Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education based on your interests and career goals. Each specialization has its unique curriculum requirements and focuses.

Once you’ve selected your specialization, it’s time to complete the necessary coursework and exams mandated by TEA. These assessments will test your knowledge and skills in various subjects related to teaching.

After completing your academic requirements, gaining hands-on classroom experience through student teaching is crucial. This practical experience will help prepare you for managing a classroom effectively.

Apply for certification with TEA and undergo background checks as part of the process. Once approved, you’ll officially be recognized as a certified elementary school teacher in Texas – ready to embark on a rewarding career nurturing young learners.

Choosing a specialization: Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education

When pursuing a career as an elementary school teacher in Texas, one of the important decisions you’ll face is choosing a specialization. Early Childhood Education focuses on teaching children from birth to around age 8, emphasizing developmental milestones and foundational learning skills. On the other hand, Elementary Education typically covers grades 1-6, focusing on core subjects like math, science, language arts, and social studies.

Each specialization has its unique rewards and challenges. Early Childhood Education allows you to make a significant impact on young learners’ cognitive growth and emotional development during their formative years. In contrast, Elementary Education provides opportunities to dive deeper into subject-specific instruction while nurturing students’ overall academic progress.

Consider your passion for working with specific age groups or subjects when deciding between these specializations. Both paths offer fulfilling opportunities to shape young minds and contribute positively to the field of education in Texas.

Completing coursework and exams

When pursuing teacher certification in Texas, completing coursework and exams is a crucial step on your journey to becoming a certified elementary school teacher.

You will need to enroll in an accredited educator preparation program like WCACP to get started. These programs are designed to provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to excel in the classroom. WCACP provides you with everything you need to become a successful certified elementary school teacher in Texas. All study material is free, and best of all it’s only $149 to start with no monthly payments until you are teaching in a classroom earning full teacher salary! Click Here for pricing.

Throughout your coursework, you will learn about child development, instructional strategies, classroom management techniques, and more. Be prepared to dedicate time and effort towards studying these subjects thoroughly.

In addition to completing coursework, you will also need to pass the required exams. The most common exam for aspiring teachers in Texas is the TExES (Texas Examinations of Educator Standards) exam.

These exams assess your understanding of academic subjects as well as your teaching abilities. It’s important to study diligently and prepare effectively for these exams to ensure success in obtaining your teacher certification.

Gaining classroom experience through student teaching

One crucial step in becoming a certified elementary school teacher in Texas is gaining valuable classroom experience through student teaching. This hands-on opportunity allows aspiring educators to apply their knowledge in a real-world setting, working alongside experienced teachers to develop essential skills.

During student teaching, future teachers have the chance to observe different teaching styles, manage classroom dynamics, and create engaging lesson plans tailored to students’ needs. It’s a transformative experience that bridges the gap between theory and practice, preparing individuals for the challenges and joys of leading their own classrooms.

Through this immersive process, prospective elementary school teachers learn how to effectively communicate with students, assess learning outcomes, and foster a positive learning environment. The mentorship provided by seasoned educators offers invaluable guidance and feedback as aspiring teachers navigate their journey towards certification.

By actively participating in student teaching placements, individuals can refine their instructional techniques, build confidence in their abilities, and cultivate a passion for shaping young minds. This firsthand exposure lays the foundation for a successful career in education while instilling a deep sense of fulfillment from making a difference in students’ lives.

Applying for certification and background checks

After completing coursework and gaining classroom experience, the next step towards becoming a certified elementary school teacher in Texas is applying for certification. The application process involves submitting required documents such as transcripts, passing exam scores, and a completed application form to the Texas Education Agency (TEA).

Along with the application, prospective teachers must undergo background checks to ensure they meet the state’s standards for working with students. These checks typically include fingerprinting and criminal history reviews to guarantee the safety of children in educational settings.

Once all documentation and background checks are cleared, TEA will review the applicant’s qualifications before issuing a teaching certificate. It’s essential to double-check all paperwork submissions to avoid delays in the certification process. Remember that thoroughness and accuracy are key when applying for teacher certification in Texas.

Continuing education and maintaining certification

Continuing education is a crucial aspect of maintaining your certification as an elementary school teacher in Texas. Once you’ve earned your initial certification, it’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest teaching methods and educational trends.

Many teachers choose to pursue advanced degrees or specialized certifications to enhance their skills and knowledge in specific areas such as literacy instruction, special education, or bilingual education. These additional qualifications not only benefit you as a teacher but also enrich the learning experience for your students.

Attending workshops, conferences, and professional development opportunities are great ways to expand your expertise and network with other educators. By staying current with best practices in teaching, you can continually improve your effectiveness in the classroom and positively impact student outcomes.

Remember that maintaining your certification requires dedication to lifelong learning and professional growth. Embrace new challenges and seek out opportunities for self-improvement throughout your teaching career.

Career opportunities for certified elementary school teachers in Texas

After becoming a certified elementary school teacher in Texas, you open the door to a fulfilling career with various opportunities. With your certification, you can pursue positions in public or private schools, charter schools, or even special education programs.

As an elementary school teacher, you have the chance to make a positive impact on young minds and help shape future generations. You may choose to specialize in subjects like math, science, language arts, or social studies based on your interests and strengths.

Additionally, certified elementary teachers often have the opportunity to advance their careers by taking on leadership roles such as department chairs or curriculum specialists. There is also potential for growth into administrative positions like principal or vice principal.

Obtaining your certification as an elementary school teacher opens up a world of possibilities for meaningful and rewarding career paths in education.


In the dynamic field of education, becoming a certified elementary school teacher in Texas is a rewarding journey filled with opportunities to make a positive impact on young minds. By meeting the requirements for teacher certification, completing coursework and exams, gaining valuable classroom experience through student teaching, and staying committed to continuing education, you can embark on a fulfilling career shaping the future generation.

As you navigate through the process of becoming certified, remember that each step brings you closer to realizing your dream of guiding students towards academic success and personal growth. With dedication and passion for teaching, you can thrive as an elementary school educator in Texas and inspire countless young learners along the way. Best of luck on your path to becoming a certified elementary school teacher in the Lone Star State! Ready to get started? Apply now for free with no obligation.

Learn more about how to obtain your Texas teacher license.

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